Hi there lovelies!
Hi there lovelies!
Again, sorry for the lack of postage. I've been meaning to update regularly, but every time I try Blogger wont let me upload photos ><; Today, however, it is being nice. So now I will spam you with my doings from the last two weeks. :D
Our galcir Diamond Hearts had a little catchup a few Fridays ago- it was only me, Kelly and Nana, but we had a lovely time. Got tea at Sushi Train (oh we are so predictable. haha!) then spent the rest of the time getting purikura! hehe!

Then last Saturday I had a friends birthday party in the Botanics. It was lolita and cosplay, so of course I wore lolita. lol!
Jsk/headbow/wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
Socks: Meta
Shoes: Secret Shop
everything else: offbrand
And a bonus pic of me and Nana eating doughnuts... yummeh
And on the same Saturday, we had an event which has never before been held here: Neko Nation! It was a anime/videogame/jpop & jrock themed nightclub. Kelly and I were asked by our beautiful friend and event organizer, Suzanna, to be Catgirls! We spent at least a month getting our outfits ready! lol! Our job as Catgirls was to act like hostesses, serve sushi and sought of be the life of the party ><; Easy job, eh? haha!
Now I'll just spam you with pictures stolen from Facebook from the night.
Kelly and I twinned! :D
We got called Fairy Floss all night. haha!
My favourite people! :D
All the Catgirls/boys together!
It was an AWESOME night! I was so tired by 3o'clock though ><; and even though I totally love my boots- my feet aren't used to walking in heels for so long! lol. I really hope they hold it again, it was a great event and it got alot of nerdy people out (like me) that dont usually go out! :D
A few days ago Mum came to visit me too :3 I picked her up from the airport and we got lunch together in the city. Then we visited the art gallery because there was an exhibition that I really wanted to see! It was by Patricia Piccinini, whose work I saw YEARSS ago being advertised in the newspaper. She likes to make sculptures of human-esque clones- they are amazingly realistic and some alittle creepy. But my favourite was called The Young Family, I just fell in love with it :) And I managed to find a picture from Google of it!
Seriously, as creepy as this is, if I ever become rich I am going to buy this sculpture. I dont care what my future husband might say. haha!
I also got caught taking a photo of it in the museum... hurr durr. I got in trouble. It would've been worth it had the photo not turned out FUZZY! ><;
Well, after our little art gander Mum and I went to visit Mikey at his store, but he was busy, so we wandered around and got a big pie for tea. I also got a cupcake shaped oven timer! :D ...which was broken within two minutes cos Mum left it on the corner of the fridge and when Mikey opened it, well... smash. Now I'm going to go back and get another one! lol!
On Wednesday Mum had to visit the doctor about her shoulder again, so we drove up into the hills. It was FREEZING and raining, but we found this BEAUTIFUL cafe that had a wood fire burning and little booths to sit in.
I got a hot chocolate... yummm
Mum with her coffee drying off after getting caught in the rain!
I dropped Mum back at the airport that evening, and got rained on again trying to get back to my car. ><; But I always love it when Mum comes to visit! I also broke the news to her: Mikey and I are moving in together. She seemed cool about it- I mean, I am old enough to make my own decisions. lol!
Also, I recently made some purchases! But I will show you them when they arrive! :D Just some new lashes, contacts and blush. I got some new wigs to wear with lolita and gyaru, some Angelic Pretty socks to match Sugary Carnival, and a new Angelic Pretty winter cardigan (with fur! :D) from Mbok which should be here soon too. I've also started collecting things for my cosplay on day one of AVCon- some fairy wings I ordered a good month or so ago should be finished soon, and I got some latex ears from a cosplay website. When they all arrive I will give a brief review and post a link ;)
Anyways my lovelies, sorry for the EPIC POST, I will try update more readily to avoid such spam.
Much love
funny puris ^^
ReplyDeleteand u're really cute in lolita)
Thankies! :D
ReplyDeleteyou look very beautiful honey <3<3<3