Hello dear readers! :D

So this weekend I got to go to the Adelaide Beauty Bloggers Conference! It was a first for me, in a lot of ways, but I was so excited! I didn't take as many photos as I should have, though, and I regret it! ><; I only had my phone so hopefully the pictures I do show aren't terrible! lol! The theme this year was 'Australian Beauty Brands' so I knew it would be full of awesome local beauty products!
This is what I wore:

I went for a mermaidy outfit!
Dress: Temt (Australia)
Cardigan: Momo Wonder Rocket (Japan)
Shoes: Store in Shibuya 109 (Japan)
Starfish clip: Made by me
Its hard to see, but the dress is layered with scales! XD
I got Mikey to drop me off early at the event, it was held at Media Makeup Academy. At first I thought I was lost when I walked into a food court, but then I saw these beautiful white signs saying "Media Makeup" and then "Beauty Bloggers Conference" with the iconic mascot, and I knew I was in the right place! Waiting at the door was the beautiful Stephanie of jeneara to greet me, and she gave me her hand-made name tag which was so cute!
Steph and I <3
Then I was given my first goody bag *_* I couldn't believe it! Little did I know there would be more to come...
Upstairs there was already a good turn out of attendees! I was happy to see another face I knew, Katherine from http://galaxerie.blogspot.com.au/ it was her first time too so we were both excited together! hehe!
There was food to eat- including these AMAZING cake-pops. Yes. Cake-pops. I only had 2 as I didn't want to seem a pig, but I could've eaten them all. There was also a huge cake and lots of delicious cup-cakes with the mascot on them! And of course some yummy savory things which I admit I probably ate most of ><; (I swear I left the food table for SOME time)
Then I was given my first goody bag *_* I couldn't believe it! Little did I know there would be more to come...
Upstairs there was already a good turn out of attendees! I was happy to see another face I knew, Katherine from http://galaxerie.blogspot.com.au/ it was her first time too so we were both excited together! hehe!
There was food to eat- including these AMAZING cake-pops. Yes. Cake-pops. I only had 2 as I didn't want to seem a pig, but I could've eaten them all. There was also a huge cake and lots of delicious cup-cakes with the mascot on them! And of course some yummy savory things which I admit I probably ate most of ><; (I swear I left the food table for SOME time)
The event began at 1pm! We were given a tour of Media Makeup Academy- it was surprising big! I was amazed by it all- still being 'new' to the whole make up world it was incredible to see what you could learn and where you could apply it; and Media Makeup Academy had classes for it all! They even had an FX make up course, for theatre and movies, which I was kinda excited about. hehe!

After being shown around the academy, we got to sit down and hear a little about EVO, an Australian hair and beauty brand! They have a pretty interesting marketing angle, which we all had a good laugh at, but I'm excited to try their products! They gave us two RANGES of their hair products to try out!

Following a short break (so I could eat some more... haha!) we were introduced to three ranges of products: Alchemy, Pure Therapy and A'kin; all of which are under the same company!
We got to be scientists, haha! We got another awesome goodie bag from them too! Mikey stocks their Alchemy brand in his health store, so I know they are good for my skin/hair.
Being a scientist, hehe!
Now came the games! It was a game of pictionary, except using Australian Beauty Brands! I knew right away that I would be no help to my team! lol! Unfortunately we lost the first round, which meant that the winner would go to the finals and be in the draw to win ANOTHER HUGE beauty prize each! I preferred to cheer people on, especially because it was pretty dang hard and whoever won DESERVED it!
Finally, the last event of the day was the blogger panel! Three very experienced bloggers talked about why they became a blogger, how they make money from blogging (or why they choose not to) and everything in between! It was really informative, I learnt a lot that I want to apply to my own blog soon!
All in all, it was a wonderful day! I really learnt a lot, which is what I was hoping, and met some totally awesome people! The party continued that evening with a dinner, however my eyes were sore so I decided to go home early (lol, I'm such a grandma).
Now came the games! It was a game of pictionary, except using Australian Beauty Brands! I knew right away that I would be no help to my team! lol! Unfortunately we lost the first round, which meant that the winner would go to the finals and be in the draw to win ANOTHER HUGE beauty prize each! I preferred to cheer people on, especially because it was pretty dang hard and whoever won DESERVED it!
Finally, the last event of the day was the blogger panel! Three very experienced bloggers talked about why they became a blogger, how they make money from blogging (or why they choose not to) and everything in between! It was really informative, I learnt a lot that I want to apply to my own blog soon!
All in all, it was a wonderful day! I really learnt a lot, which is what I was hoping, and met some totally awesome people! The party continued that evening with a dinner, however my eyes were sore so I decided to go home early (lol, I'm such a grandma).

There will hopefully be some more photos up for you to see soon! Keep an eye on: Adelaide Beauty Conference for updates! ^_^ There will even be a video! :D
And to finish this post off, here is a picture of all the goodie bags I received! I've never gotten so much free stuff in my life! XD I cant wait to try it all out!! <3
Also, I thought I would show a wonderful present given to me by my best friend, Kelly!
Its a dust-stopper for my Iphone! Isn't is perfect? :D A cute little pearl starfish! <3
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